In an emergency situation, outside of normal working hours, please phone any of our surgeries. You will hear a recorded message that will give you the number to call to contact the on-call team.
On a weekday after 18:00 and through to 8:30am the following working day, you will be directed to contact the Vets Now, Worthing team based at Grove Lodge Vets, 18 Upper Brighton Road, Worthing, BN14 9DL.
Crossways branches are open for you to ring directly for genuine veterinary emergencies between 8:30am and 18:00 during the week and between 8:30am and 12:00pm on Saturdays (except non-working days).
On Saturdays after 12:00pm and through to 8:30am on Monday morning, or the next working day, you will be directed to contact the Vets Now, Worthing team based at Grove Lodge Vets, 18 Upper Brighton Road, Worthing, BN14 9DL.
On Bank Holidays from the close of business on the previous working day to 8:30am the next working day, you will be directed to contact the Vets Now, Worthing team based at Grove Lodge Vets, 18 Upper Brighton Road, Worthing, BN14 9DL.
In the very unusual situation that you do not hear a recorded message or the number it gives you doesn’t work, please try calling one of the other branches to get through to their recorded message and double check that you’ve phoned the correct number. All three of the Crossways branches provide the same out-of-hours emergency number. Alternatively call Vets Now on 01903 95432.